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“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”



how my journey led me to this work

In my mid 20's I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME and Endometriosis. It was an incredibly challenging time of my life, I felt struck down by two invisible illnesses that I did not truly understand and felt were robbing me of the 'prime of my life'. I lived with chronic pain and chronic fatigue for almost a decade - now I do not claim to be miraculously healed; I have however learnt so much along the way. This understanding has allowed me to expand my life into more joy, community, purpose and meaning.


At the beginning of my journey I went in search of answers for why I felt the way I did and how I could 'heal' myself. Along the way I came across a lot of confusing and overwhelming information. In 2013 I began my training in Naturopathic Nutrition which was all fascinating information but unfortunately it took me deep into 'wellness' culture. My relationship with my body and with food became obsessive, I developed many fears and restrictions around food which progressed further into orthorexia - an obsession with eating 'healthy' or 'pure' foods. My continued attempts to use 'food as medicine' was negatively impacting my mental and physical health as feeding myself became only another source of stress.

After more rounds than I'd like to admit on the 'wellness' diet cycle I began to realise that it was doing more harm than good. It was then that I started to explore in more depth how to re-establish a healthy relationship with my body, chronic illness, with food and how my own lived experience played a role in my health. I learnt about the mind-body connection, understood how my nervous system was playing a huge part in my health and how I could learn to support and regulate it. It was through this realisation that I began to heal on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

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Now I am on the pursuit to help others on their own journey,

since life is so much more than food and bodies

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statement of integrity

I aspire to show up with honesty and integrity, to be present with you and whatever you may bring to each session. I am not a qualified psychotherapist, but I do work in a trauma informed way and work alongside mental health professionals where appropriate. 

  • 3 year Nutritional Therapy Diploma with the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM)

  • Naturopathy Diploma with CNM


  • ​Intuitive Eating for professionals - LCIE (London Centre for Intuitive Eating)

  • Advanced Counselling skills: Applying Intuitive Eating & Non-Diet Approaches in Practice - LCIE

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - (The Association of Psychological therapies - (APT)

  • Womens Health and Hormones Summit 2021 - ANP (Association of Naturopathic Practitioners)

  • Trauma and the Body: Dissociation and Somatisation - Carolyn Spring

  • Mental Health and the Body: Treating Trauma - Carolyn Spring

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"I can’t tell you how much I got from that. I think I’ve buried a lot of issues for a long time and to work with someone that really knows how to listen and dispense appropriate, effective but compassionate advice is invaluable"



Find out if Nutrition Counselling is for you with a
free no obligation discovery call with me.

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