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In order to heal, we have to feel

In order to feel, we have to be in our bodies

Having a chronic illness, chronic fatigue/pain or any kind of persistent discomfort can make it incredibly challenging to be comfortable in your body.


Therefore our work focuses on bringing back and nurturing a feeling of safety in your body. I will help you to understand your symptoms, find reassurance and learn to recognise and respond appropriately to your own body signals. 


Mindful nutrition and Intuitive Eating can gently support this process. What, when and how we eat can have a big impact on our nervous system and ultimately our physical and mental health. 

I work in a collaborative and person centered way, meaning my approach differs for each person that comes to see me. Below are some more details behind the principles of how I work. 

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When we intuitively feed ourselves it signals to the nervous system that we are safe. I use the Intuitive Eating model to help you relearn what, when and how to eat based on your unique body needs and desires. Tuning back into your body's natural hunger, fullness and satisfaction cues. We challenge your food rules and body beliefs, exploring how and why the mind and emotions may influence your behaviours and food choices. I will equip you with sustainable techniques to navigate diet/wellness culture, and challenge your inner food critic. If you would like to learn more about the intuitive eating model and principles I use, click the button below



Nutrition and just generally feeding ourselves these days can be confusing and overwhelming, so we aim to simplify things. Your nutritional needs are as unique as you are, there is no one diet designed for health or happiness so our goal is to discover what best supports you. Mindful nutrition is the act of eating with you in mind, finding what feels good for your body and your life.

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I honour a non-diet and Health at Every Size (HAES), weight inclusive approach that promotes well being through the engagement with healthful behaviours and body affirming care, rather than through the pursuit of weight loss. Research continuously indicates the fact that intentional weight loss is not sustainable and can negatively impact our health in the long term. Restriction and deprivation can also disrupt our nervous systems and create stress on the body/mind. I support individuals in leaving behind restriction and yoyo dieting in order to discover how to eat and move intuitively.

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Our minds and bodies tend to be seen and treated as two separate entities when in fact they are intrinsically linked. If we are well attuned to our body, most of the time it tells us quite clearly what, when and how much to eat so we don't really need to follow external rules. But these messages can get fuzzy or muddled for countless reasons.  We want to understand this connection so we can move away from just our thinking mind and more into our feeling body.

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Self care seems like a throw away phrase these days, some of us feel as though we might be winning at self care by pushing it at the gym 5 days a week, hitting our calorie target or meditating for exactly 20 minutes every morning. Others may feel self care feels inaccessible, perhaps feeling there is no time for ourselves in and amongst our busy work or family life. Or maybe we just don't feel worthy of the time for ourselves, self care might feel selfish! Whatever self care looks like for you, we will work together to explore and develop this area of your life because it is essential to know what it is you truly need and deserve.  Prioritising our self care is fundamental to living a fulfilling and satisfying life.



Our bodies are the gateway to our emotions and the portal to our intuition. So we want to show our bodies that we care about them - feeding is one way, but there are many others. This is not always an easy process, especially if being in your body is uncomfortable,  painful or scary. But this is where we slowly bring in compassionate self care and body affirming techniques. Let's start now - wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug while saying 'I'm here, you are safe, I love you', how does that make you feel? If it feels uncomfortable to do that, that's OK, that is why we do this work together, to explore discomfort and find your own safe ways to find comfort in your body again. 

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still got questions?

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